Ryuuou no Oshigoto! Wiki
Tamayo Rokuroba
Kanji 鹿路庭 珠代
Rōmaji Rokuroba Tamayo
Age 20 (in Volume 4)
Birthdate February 14, 1997
Birthplace Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Gender Female
Personal Status
Status Alive
Occupation Professional Shogi player (2-dan)
First Appearance
Anime Episode 8
Light Novel Volume 4
Voice Actors
Japanese M.A.O

Tamayo Rokuroba (鹿路庭 珠代 Rokuroba Tamayo), also known as Tamayon (たまよん), is a side character of Ryuuou no Oshigoto! She is a college student and a female professional shogi player (2-dan).


Tamayo is a young woman with bra-length brown hair that has a slightly lighter tinge at the bottom with bangs swept to the left side and blue eyes.


Tamayo aims to be bright and positive when talking with other people, but if she is angry, she shows furious side of her character. Tamayo is strong-spirited and proud girl, and she really puts her effort into shogi.


Because of Tamayo's beautiful looks, NicoNico Live Broadcast hosted by her are quite popular and she is ranked right after Ginko Sora. It's said that "when she acts as a host, number of viewers increases by 100,000". On the other hand, because her research group didn't last long, other shogi players call her "research group crusher" between themselves.

During final match of MyNavi Women’s Open, she acts as a host together with Yaichi Kuzuryuu where she suggested him to hold research group together and Ai Hinatsuru regarded that offer as Tamayo's attempt to seduce Yaichi.

Her teacher is Bruno Redmond (9-dan).


  • The name Tamayo means "bead, pearl, gem, jewel" (珠) (tama) and "generation" (代) (yo).
  • Tamayo's surname Rokuroba means "deer" (鹿) (ro), "path, route, road, distance" (路) (kuro) and "courtyard, garden, yard" (庭) (ba).



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